MODULE GLOBALS INTEGER:: hFrame, & !Handle of the frame window hInst, & !Instance handle hMDI, & !Handle of the MDI client window hToolbar, & !Toolbar handle lpfnOldFrameProc !Address of the default MDI windos procedure INTEGER,PARAMETER:: & !Define our own message for toolbar creation. !Should be > WM_USER=#0400 WM_CREATETOOLBAR=#0500 END MODULE GLOBALS !=================================================================== PROGRAM QWToolbar USE DFLIB USE DFWIN USE GLOBALS IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL:: bSt TYPE(WindowConfig):: WConf TYPE(T_RECT):: Rect CHARACTER*15:: sClass INTEGER:: iSt, jTop, jBottom, jLeft, jRight, jWidth, jHeight INTERFACE INTEGER(4) FUNCTION FrameWndProc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam) !DEC$ATTRIBUTES STDCALL:: FrameWndProc INTEGER:: hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam END FUNCTION END INTERFACE iSt=SETEXITQQ(QWIN$EXITNOPERSIST) hFrame=GETHWNDQQ(QWIN$FRAMEWINDOW) !Handle of the frame window hInst=GetWindowLong(hFrame,GWL_HINSTANCE) !Instance handle (needed to load resources) iSt=SetWindowText(hFrame,"QuickWin Toolbar Sample") hMDI = GetWindow(hFrame, GW_CHILD) !MDI parent window (the dark surface beneath childs) !Subclass the Frame window with FrameWndProc. lpfnOldFrameProc is the !address of default ("Old") Frame window procedure lpfnOldFrameProc=SetWindowLong(hFrame,GWL_WNDPROC,LOC(FrameWndProc)) !This is a user-defined message sent to Frame window to create toolbar. !Note that a direct call to CreateMyToolbar from here would fail (i.e. !the toolbar would be created, but "dead", since QW has two threads: !"primary", where mouse and menu callbacks, along with QW internal !stuff is executed, and "secondary", where PROGRAM is executed). !This, secondary thread does not contain a message loop; the primary !(where FrameWndProc is executed) has. iSt=SendMessage(hFrame,WM_CREATETOOLBAR,0,0) iSt=SETACTIVEQQ(0) WConf%numxpixels=200 WConf%numypixels=100 WConf%numtextcols=0 WConf%numtextrows=0 WConf%numcolors=256 WConf%fontsize=#0008000C WConf%title=' 'C bSt = SETWINDOWCONFIG(WConf) IF (.NOT.bSt) bSt = SETWINDOWCONFIG(WConf) iSt=SETBKCOLOR(7) CALL CLEARSCREEN($GCLEARSCREEN) DO WHILE (.TRUE.) CALL SLEEPQQ(500) END DO END PROGRAM !================================================================== !Subclassed procedure of Frame client window INTEGER FUNCTION FrameWndProc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam) !DEC$ATTRIBUTES STDCALL:: FrameWndProc USE DFWIN !DEC$IF (_DF_VERSION_ <=650) USE COMCTL !DEC$ENDIF USE GLOBALS INTEGER:: hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam INTEGER:: iSt, ID, iState, itbHeight TYPE(T_RECT):: tbRect, mdiRect TYPE(T_NMHDR):: NMH; POINTER(pNMH, NMH) TYPE(T_NMTTDISPINFO):: DI; POINTER(pDI, DI) INCLUDE "Resource.fd" SELECT CASE(Msg) CASE (WM_CREATETOOLBAR) !Request for toolbar creation CALL CreateMyToolbar FrameWndProc=0 CASE (WM_COMMAND) !Click on a menu or toolbar button ID=IAND(wParam,#FFFF) !Button ID !TODO add your own handlers here. See "Toolbars" section in SDK help !for toolbar messages (TB_xxx) SELECT CASE(ID) CASE(ID_BUTTON_1) iSt=MessageBox(hFrame,"Button 1"C,"Toolbar"C,MB_OK) CASE(ID_BUTTON_2) iSt=MessageBox(hFrame,"Button 2"C,"Toolbar"C,MB_OK) CASE(ID_BUTTON_3) iState=SendMessage(hToolbar,TB_GETSTATE,ID,0) IF (IAND(iState,TBSTATE_CHECKED).NE.0) THEN iSt=MessageBox(hFrame,"Button 3 pushed"C,"Toolbar"C,MB_OK) ELSE iSt=MessageBox(hFrame,"Button 3 released"C,"Toolbar"C,MB_OK) END IF END SELECT FrameWndProc=CallWindowProc(lpfnOldFrameProc,hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam) CASE (WM_NOTIFY) !Tooltips send a WM_NOTIFY message. !lParam points to NMHDR structure. Its code member contains TTN_GETDISPINFO pNMH = lParam IF (NMH%code.EQ.TTN_GETDISPINFO) THEN !NMTTDISPINFO DI contains NMHDR as the first member. So, we !have to cast lParam to a pointer to DI. pDI = lParam DI%hInst = GetModuleHandle(0) DI%lpszText = wParam END IF FrameWndProc = CallWindowProc(lpfnOldFrameProc,hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam) CASE (WM_SIZE) !QuickWin will try to move the MDI client area over the toolbar. We have to !resize hMDI so that it comes below the toolbar. iSt = GetClientRect(hWnd, mdiRect) iSt = GetWindowRect(hToolbar, tbRect) itbHeight = tbRect%Bottom-tbRect%Top iSt = MoveWindow(hMDI, 0, itbHeight, mdiRect%Right, mdiRect%Bottom - itbHeight, .TRUE.) FrameWndProc = 0 CASE DEFAULT !Send all other messages further to normal processing FrameWndProc=CallWindowProc(lpfnOldFrameProc,hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam) END SELECT END FUNCTION FrameWndProc !====================================================================== !Creation of toolbar SUBROUTINE CreateMyToolbar() USE DFWIN !DEC$IF (_DF_VERSION_ >= 650) USE COMCTL32, ONLY: CreateToolbarEx !DEC$ELSE USE COMCTL !DEC$ENDIF USE GLOBALS IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'Resource.fd' INTEGER:: i, iSt, iStyle TYPE(T_TBBUTTON):: Button(4) Button(1)=T_TBBUTTON(0,ID_BUTTON_1,TBSTATE_ENABLED,TBSTYLE_BUTTON,(/0_1,0_1/),0,NULL) Button(2)=T_TBBUTTON(0,0,TBSTATE_ENABLED,TBSTYLE_SEP,(/0_1,0_1/),0,NULL) Button(3)=T_TBBUTTON(1,ID_BUTTON_2,TBSTATE_ENABLED,TBSTYLE_BUTTON,(/0_1,0_1/),0,NULL) Button(4)=T_TBBUTTON(2,ID_BUTTON_3,TBSTATE_ENABLED,TBSTYLE_CHECK,(/0_1,0_1/),0,NULL) hToolbar=CreateToolbarEx(hFrame, & !Parent window WS_CHILD.OR.WS_VISIBLE.OR.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS.OR.TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS, & !Toolbar style IDR_TOOLBAR1, & !Bitmap ID 3, & !Number of bitmaps hInst, & !Instance handle IDR_TOOLBAR1, & !Toolbar ID Button, & !Address of Button array 4, & !Number of buttons (incl. separators) 0, & !Button width (default) 0, & !Button height (default) 16, & !Bitmap width 15, & !Bitmap height SizeOf(Button(1))) !Size of T_TBBUTTON END SUBROUTINE CreateMyToolbar |