Release Notes
Online docs



Xeffort setup is built using freeware InnoSetup» and ISTool».

The setup installs the following items and modifies the following registry keys:

Installation for CVF 6

File Meaning


Xeffort Wizard, used to ease writing of handler routines
<XRoot>/BinCVF/Xeffort.chm  This help file
<XRoot>/LibCVF/Xeffort.lib  Xeffort Library code. In order to use Xeffort Library Full, you must add Xeffort.lib into Project/Settings/Link or insert it in the project using Project/Add to Project/Files
<XRoot>/IncludeCVF/*.mod Module-definition (.mod) files for Xeffort Modules. Setup program also appends this directory to Visual Studio Tools/Options/Directories/Include files, so there's no need to extend your include paths if building from VS IDE. These files are created using CVF 6.6C. If you use a 6.0 or 6.1 compiler you have to rebuild the library (Release Configuration) by opening provided Xeffort.dsp file.
<XRoot>/Source/*.f90 Xeffort Library source files. If you want to use Xeffort Lite version, copy appropriate files from this folder into your project directory 
<XRoot>/Xeffort.dsp CVF project file for building Xeffort.lib from sources
<VSRoot>/Common/ MSDev98/Template/ Fortran Xeffort Application.* Xeffort AppWizard for easy creation of startup sources.


Registry Key Meaning

<VSKey>\Build System\Components\Platforms\Win32 (x86)\Directories\Include Dirs

Append <XRoot>\IncludeCVF directory

<VSKey>\Build System\Components\Platforms\Win32 (x86)\Directories\Library Dirs

Append <XRoot>\LibCVF directory

<VSKey>\Build System\Components\Platforms\Win32 (x86)\Directories\Path Dirs

Append <XRoot>\BinCVF directory

<VSKey>\Build System\Components\Platforms\Win32 (x86)\Directories\Source Dirs

Append <XRoot>\Source directory


Add two more items for Xeffort Wizard and Xeffort Help
<VSKey>\Tools\<*>#<numTools+1> Append Xeffort Wizard to the list in VS Tools menu 
<VSKey>\Tools\<*>#<numTools+2> Append Xeffort Help to the list in VS Tools menu 


<VSRoot> is Visual Studio installation directory (by default C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio)

<XRoot> is Xeffort Installation directory (by default <VSRoot>\Xeffort)

<VSKey> is Visual Studio HKCU Key (HKCU\Software\Microsoft\DevStudio\6.0)


Installation for IVF 8/9/10

File Meaning


Xeffort Wizard, used to ease writing of handler routines
<XRoot>/BinIVF/Xeffort.chm  This help file
<XRoot>/BinIVF/DFORRT.dll  CVF 6.6B Fortran runtime dll.
<XRoot>/LibIVF/Xeffort.lib  Xeffort Library code. In order to use Xeffort Library Full, you must add Xeffort.lib into Project/Settings/Link or insert it in the project using Project/Add to Project/Files
<XRoot>/LibIVF/XFT.lib  Dummy XFT Library for compatibility with old XFT projects.
<XRoot>/IncludeIVF/*.mod Module-definition (.mod) files for Xeffort Modules. Setup program also appends this directory to Visual Studio Tools/Options/Directories/Include files, so there's no need to extend your include paths if building from VS IDE.
<XRoot>/Source/*.f90 Xeffort Library source files. If you want to use Xeffort Lite version, copy appropriate files from this folder into your project directory 
<XRoot>/Xeffort.vfproj IVF solution file for building Xeffort.lib from sources
<XRoot>/AppWizard/XeffortAppWizNet/* Implementation files of Xeffort application wizard
<XRoot>/AppWizard/<VSver>/ XeffortAppWiz.* Xeffort application wizard .vsz and .vsdir files, binding the wizard into "New project" Visual Studio dialog


Registry Value Meaning

<VSKey>\Intel Fortran\VFToolOpt\ <VFVer>\<VFVer>\IA32_IA32\IncludeDir

Append <XRoot>\IncludeIVF directory to the user-specific include path

<VSKey>\Intel Fortran\VFToolOpt\ <VFVer>\<VFVer>\IA32_IA32\LibDir

Append <XRoot>\LibIVF directory
<VFKey>\<VFVer>\IA32\IncludeDir Append <XRoot>\IncludeIVF directory to the default include path
<VFKey>\<VFVer>\IA32\LibDir Append <XRoot>\LibIVF directory to the default include path

<VSKey>\External Tools\ToolNumKeys

Add two more items for Xeffort Wizard and Xeffort Help
<VSKey>\External Tools\ <*>#<numTools+1> Append Xeffort Wizard to the list in VS Tools menu 
<VSKey>\External Tools\ <*>#<numTools+2> Append Xeffort Help to the list in VS Tools menu 
<VSKey>\NewProjectTemplates\ TemplateDirs\{B68A201D-CB9B-47AF-A52F-7EEC72E217E4}\2 Add the path to Xeffort application wizard, so that Visual  studio


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\Intel Fortran\VFToolOpt\100\100.025

<VSRoot> is Visual Studio installation directory (by default C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET)

<XRoot> is Xeffort Installation directory (by default C:\Program Files\Xeffort)

<VSKey> is Visual Studio HKCU Key (HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0, 7.1 or 8.0)

<VFKey> is Intel Visual Fortran HKLM key (HKLM\Software\Intel\Compilers\Fortran\)

<VFVer> is Intel Visual Fortran version (90, 91 or 100)
